Transforming preschool education in Guatemala
We help young People to Disrupt the Model of Preschool Education in Guatemala

We train and equip community-minded and entrepreneurial young adults to teach children ages 4-6 in remote areas hard to reach for the Guatemalan government. With the combination of our culturally relevant curriculum centered on creative learning through the use of natural materials and by tackling chronic child malnutrition with a daily healthy snack, we are able to help mentally and physically prepare previously disadvantaged rural children to be successful in the first grade and beyond.
Dedicated men and women believe that all children in their communities deserve to have access to early child education
55 previously unemployed young people have become the solution to a longstanding problem, disrupting the sad history of Mayans’ meager access to early child education and flunking out of the first grade. Over 600 kids ages 4, 5, and 6 are learning in small groups, using innovative activities. 95% are passing first grade and 80% staying through the 6th grade.

Locations we work on
As of 2024, Let's be ready has classrooms operating in the departments of Sololá, Chimaltenango, Sacatepéquez, Huehuetenango, and Quiché.
Over 600 kids ages 4, 5, and 6 are learning in small groups, using innovative activities. 95% are passing first grade and 80% staying through the 6th grade.

Let's be ready!
Get Involved
Guatemalan children deserve better. Young newly literate women in Guatemala are giving them that opportunity, opening preschools in their homes. Founded by Guatemalan women they have over 50 classrooms, but thousands more are needed. Fortunately, the program is easily replicable with an investment of
$295 per child per year,
which makes $3,500 per class per year.
Don't hesitate in contacting us if you want to make any donation or have any doubts! -

Supporting child nutrition

Educational innovations


Environmental protection
Our Allies